Romans 12:9-18

Romans 12:9-18

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Choices

Last Wednesday Connor got her braces off! I asked for a picture, and this is what she sent me. Now she has to choose to wear those retainers.

Friday we played volleyball and golf in the yard. Mom chose to show off her golfing skills. 

Saturday morning I chose to go for a run and didn't put on sunscreen. Now I'm paying for that choice. We all enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL sunshine and warmth poolside on Saturday. A few chose to get in the freezing water, and others were pushed in.

Tripp chose the shade.

Friday and Sunday mornings, Trey and Sy chose to go turkey hunting. I do not have a picture of this because I think it is insane to wake up at 4:30am.

Geese have decided to make their home and start a little family in the pond at the farm. We spied on them from the porch. Then we shot beavers in the pond Saturday night. Damming up the pond is not a good choice, beavers.  

Easter Sunday morning this precious thing decided to come into the world. 

I chose to name him Easter.

We went to church where Trey first chose me.

After belting refrains of "Up.from.the.grave.He.arose" and "because He lives", there was a message about choices- a very unexpected Easter Sunday message. Why did God allow Eve to eat the fruit? 

He could have stopped her.

She HAD to eat it, so our relationship with God would be a choice.

Every relationship is a choice: friend OR family.
If not chosen, it's not a relationship.

But He did not leave us without hope in our sin.

Sin entered the world disguised as goodness on a tree. Sin left the world disguised as death on a tree.

Jesus was born and lived a sinless, perfect life. He felt the pain of all the world's sin and will forever carry our scars, so we won't die. 

Every day we make choices.

Often the sinful choices look good, and the righteous choices look like death.

We make choices for death or life. 

Every day I can choose to "deny myself and take up my cross" John 9:23

And like Eve most of the time I choose wrong.

But because of the cross, I have hope and "life is worth the living just because He lives."

And after church, I chose to have a big piece of my mom's carrot cake. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Creepy Jenny

Hello Spring,

It's nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.

I just love it when the seasons change! For some reason, it always reminds me of God's faithfulness. Most people would agree this past winter was lengthy and harsh- I mean, we had a snow day in March. This is Mississippi, people. However, just when you think it's going to last forever and almost lost all hope of ever being warm again God shows up with springtime!

As soon as the time changed, Trey sprayed the yard to kill the weeds, put new pine straw out in the beds, and mowed the grass.

Needless to say, we have spring fever and have been itching to work in the yard.

This past weekend my in-laws came to visit. I think we visited every nursery in DeSoto county- twice. It was so much fun though. I loved being outside in the sunshine and looking at all the pretty plants!

My husband's father is a horticulturist. It is fun to watch him look at all the plants and name them. I swear he knows them all by heart. They brought us a few plants from their yard, and we bought a few.

After some deep discussion on plant size v. pot size, partial sun v. full sun, perennials v. annuals, and "Codye, are you REALLY going to water these?", we have some little baby plants at our house!

I fell in love with that lime green vine thing. It's called "creeping jenny". Funny name. For the record, the Jenny's I know aren't creepy.

Succulents are easy, right?

This is some moss and another plant from T's parents' yard. Funny story about those big black cylinders- Trey sells those. They are wheels (Correction from Trey, "They are wheel extensions") for tractors. They are starting to oxidize or whatever the scientific term is, but I love the way they look. Hoping the creepy jenny and moss grows long and drapes down them.
So the deal is if I can keep these alive, I can get a puppy.

Hope you have been enjoying the nice spring weather! 30 school days until summer vacation, but who's counting? ;)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hi! I'm Codye, and it's a pleasure to meet you! Not sure the direction this blog will take, but I'm giving it a try. Child of God, wife and adorer of the sweetest husband, teacher of high-schoolers, runner, redeemed, DIY-er, thankful, amateur cooker, and observer of the extra in the ordinary- those are a few adjectives and phrases that describe me.

Meet my handsome husband, Trey

He's a lover of Jesus, fly-fisher, bike rider, fixer of ANYTHING around the house, master griller, carpenter, seller of farm equipment, adventurer, and driver of a '77 Bronco.

We are newlyweds and enjoying every second of this precious life. Stay tuned for our adventures!