Romans 12:9-18

Romans 12:9-18

Friday, May 23, 2014

Montana Dreaming

In 3 hours it officially will be summer break for this high school English teacher.

Trey and I celebrated this morning, and as I walked out the door I said, "I bet there were some days you didn't think I was going to make it to this day." 

Not going to lie- there were some really hard days this year. But there were some really great days too (like today! Just kidding, there were others). Seriously, teaching is the hardest yet most rewarding thing I've ever done. I can't think of any other job I would want. I get to invest in little minds God made every day and hope something I say sinks in. As I sit waiting to be saved by the bell, I am reflecting on what I would like to do differently next year. 

The first thing that comes to mind is to have a better attitude each day. There were some days when I would have given my right arm not to come to school. I grumbled while getting up and grumbled while coming in the door at the end of the day. So I'm praying for a more enthusiastic spirit and better attitude toward work because I want to invest my best into these kids. I might be the only Jesus these kids see in a day, and "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength."

Second, I want to get up earlier and have my quiet time in the mornings. 

Thirdly, be less selfish with my time. Maybe it was the newly-wed thing, but most days I wanted to go straight home after work and spend time with sweet husband. Whatever this entails, I'm praying God will show me where I can invest my time. In Ann Voskamp's words, "whatever He puts in front of you do it with great love. This is what makes any day, anybody, any life great." 

So when September rolls around and I'm grumbling and pushing snooze 3 times, y'all remind me of this last day of school post, please.   

Sorry for being sappy this post was supposed to announce our summer/1 year anniversary trip!

Trey and I are going to Montana! We knew we wanted to go out West this summer and have had Montana on our list for awhile. Trey has been before, but this will be my first time!

We are staying just outside of Bozeman in this darling cabin. That view.... We used VRBO. Try it if you haven't. I love staying in homes/cabins verses hotels. It leaves you the option to stay in and cook or go out! I have this strange obsession with going to the grocery store especially when we travel.

We'll be fly-fishing, running, and taking in the sights of Montana! 

I couldn't resist this picture. Seriously though, Trey has seen this rock. It's called "Brad Pitt Rock". How original. Trey has two fishing days planned- one without me and one with me!

And I'm running in the Madison Half Marathon while we're there. More on the marathon to come, but there was talk of bears, wolves, and sheep dogs in the race packet. Want to know what they said about the sheep dogs? Don't run if one starts chasing you. How are you going to tell a runner in a race or anyone being chased by anything NOT TO RUN! Apparently, the sheep dogs will try to "herd" the runners. The dogs are wild and don't respond to any human commands. The thought cracks me up. Oh and let's not even talk about the bears. 

I'm super excited about the race! It's really well organized; lots of people are signed up; organizers do patrol the road for wildlife; and there is support along the way. I love running, and I love running in new places. It is the best way to see a new city, area, or in this case- the mountains!

We are thankful we get to take this trip, see more of God's beautiful creation, and celebrate being married a whole year! Woo-hoo!!

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