Romans 12:9-18

Romans 12:9-18

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Home Goals

About three weeks ago, I sat down and listed out some summer goals. The list got so long that I had to categorize it. Hoping that posting it here will give me incentive to complete all projects on the list. In no particular order here is the list of goals for our home this summer:

Home Goals
  • paint our bathroom
  • paint office and guest room
  • make curtains for our room & guest room
  • make 16x16 frames
  • sand & paint frames. Order mats & glass for frames
  • hang the gallery wall
  • find a swing for the back porch
  • find a table for the back porch
  • decorate above the sideboard- find a pair of lamps
  • get new candles (I'm ready for a new scent!). Thinking a trip to the new Aspen Bay store
  • chalkboard for the big frame in guest room
  • CLEAN windows  
  • stain the front door and clean the door knob
  • replace crates with a bookcase

 On Tuesday the windows got cleaned! Found this recipe online and I recommend it. The windows in our breakfast area were filthy. The morning sun comes in through these windows which literally "shone a light" on the dirt. I had been eyeing the dirt with a vengeance for awhile.

Cleaning solution:

1/4 cup of white vinegar
few drops of Dawn or dish washing liquid

I made a big batch, so I used more vinegar and Dawn than what is listed above. First, I dusted the shades, took the screens out, and vacuumed the window sills. Second, I scrubbed the windows with the cleaning solution. Third, I rinsed the window with clean water because they were soapy. Finally, I dried the windows with a microfiber towel. Steps 1-3 were repeated on the outside of the windows.  

These windows needed more than just Windex. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Windex fan; but these windows needed really cleaning. I did Windex them once they were dry. Now the windows are spick and span, and it makes me smile when I look at them. One home goal down! I enjoyed this project more than I thought I would. I blared Pandora, Gus followed me around, and before I knew it I was finished! As I was cleaning the dirt from the windows, I couldn't help but think what an illustration it was of what Jesus asks us to do on a daily basis- if we confess our sins, our "dirt", he is faithful to make us clean. 

Now I'm off to the paint store! Happy Thursday!

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