Romans 12:9-18

Romans 12:9-18

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fighting Okra

Our garden is growing! It had a slow start, and we were a bit scared at first. Many of the plants turned a yellowish color a couple of days after we planted them. We frantically called our parents and grandparents. The consensus was 1: they were shocked; 2: they got too much rain, 3: it was getting really cold at the night the first couple of weeks.  

But look at it now! 

Grow, tomato, grow!

Yeah, we may have planted too many squash. I'm going to have squash coming out of my ears! Time to create a squash recipe board on Pinterest!

Look what I found growing in my garden! He really is growing so fast!

Every morning Gus and I walk to the garden together and say, "Good morning, garden!" Then he tries to eat the marigolds.

 Remember the sweet-and-neat cherry tomato plant? It has done incredible! It has been loaded with green tomatoes for about three weeks. They are finally turning red this week, and I used two in my salad last night! : )

Ok, okra. We've nicknamed the okra the "Fighting Okra" (little shout-out to Delta State). After the plants were in shock and yellow, the okra's leaves had holes in them and were falling off. We didn't see any bugs eating it, but Trey treated them with some bug repellant (does that still make the garden organic?). Whatever the cause, they have fought back, and in the middle you can see tiny okra sprouting! 

How amazing is it that this:

 Began like this:

35 days ago!
When the garden was struggling, we didn't give up hope and call it quits. Through advice, time, and a little pesticide, it has grown and is producing fruit! I love nature and am finding out more and more that God reveals himself to me through nature. I've grown a lot in Christ especially these past few years, but I still have a LONG way to go. I'm sort of like the first picture of the garden, but I am confident that He isn't finished with me yet! I am so thankful for that promise from Him, and when challenges come my way I'm going to take advice from the okra.  

Cucumber curly-q's.

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